Pay Rent, Earn Travel Points?!!
Okay so if I have to pick one of my favourite discoveries of the past year or so, it would be the Bilt credit card. Why you may ask? Or maybe you're not asking, but I'll tell you anyway. Basically you can pay rent with this credit card and there's no annual fee! Woah woah woah, you may be saying to yourself. Hold up. Go back to the paying rent part. It sounds too good to be true. But it IS true! Bilt sends our landlord a check every month and the amount gets added to our monthly credit card statement. You pay off your card as your normally would every month. Who doesn't want to earn points while paying rent?! You can earn dining, hotel, travel, fitness, the sky's the limit! There’s so much more but it’s sunny outside and I’m getting antsy and need to go on a walk, so check it out on your own and make a good decision in your life.
But really run don't walk and get your card today. (And yes, that is totally my referral code, you’re welcome).